High-powered Jet pack

For those that feel that their current jet pack is too slow, too safe and generally not as good as it should be. Here’s some additional suggestions. These are unarmed versions, feel free to modify that, although I’d up the encumbrance at least by 1 if adding a grenade launcher or anything. I guess I could add Hard Points to these, but that would open a whole new can of worms.

X8 High-powered Jet Pack
Silhouette: 1
Handling: -2
Pilot (planet)/Pilot (space)
Cost: 7,500
Rarity: 8
Encumbrance: 4

The X8 has replaced normal jets with high-powered rocket boosters increasing speed dramatically, but also making handling more difficult. This jet pack can also be used in space if a space suit or similar gear is used to keep the user alive.

X9z Super-powered Jet Pack
Silhouette: 1
Handling: -4
Pilot (planet)/Pilot (space)
Cost: 10,500
Rarity: 8, R
Encumbrance: 5

The X9z is an experimental super-powered jet pack. It increases speed beyond what is safe, sound and sensible, while also decreasing handling below what is desired by even most agile and skilled pilots. Safe to say, it is basically a large rocket that is strapped onto the back of the wearer. This jet pack can also be used in space if a space suit or similar gear is used to keep the user alive.

Image from wookiepedia.org

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